St Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church
Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
161 N. Murphy Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Weekly Announcements

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Our Lenten journey has brought us to the events of this past weekend – the raising of Lazarus and the Lord’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and now we move into Holy Week. Below is the schedule and explanation of the services for this week...

Schedule of Services for Holy Week and Pascha 2024

Monday and Tuesday evenings at 6pm: Bridegroom Matins Service

The theme of the evening services in these first days of Holy Week is ‘watchfulness’…‘Behold the bridegroom comes in the middle of the night; and blessed is the servant whom He shall find watching, but unworthy is he whom He shall find in slothfulness.’

Wednesday morning at 7am: Presanctified Liturgy

This is the final Presanctified Liturgy of the year… These services, wherein the Body and Blood of Christ have been sanctified and are now offered for the consolation and strength of the faithful, are among the most beautiful in the life of the Church.

Wednesday evening at 6pm: Matins

Matins service in anticipation of Holy Thursday’s celebrations of the washing of the disciples’ feet and of the establishment of the Holy Eucharist.

Thursday morning at 9am: Divine Liturgy

On this day our Lord instituted the Mystery of the Holy Eucharist as He sat at table with His disciples.

Thursday evening at 6pm: Matins with the 12 Passion Gospels

Matins anticipates Great and Holy Friday when our Lord was crucified. The Cross is placed in the center of the Church and 12 Gospels readings take us through these events of suffering, crucifixion, death, and burial.

Friday morning at 9am: The Royal Hours

Extended ‘Hours’ readings with Old Testament prophecies, Epistle and Gospel readings

Friday afternoon at 3pm: Vespers service with bringing out of the Burial Shroud of our Lord

Solemn procession bringing Burial Shroud from altar to center of church for veneration by the faithful.

Friday evening at 5:30pm: Matins with Lamentations before the Tomb of our Lord and Procession with Burial Shroud

Commemorating Christ’s burial and descent into Hades. Lamentations before the Burial Shroud. At the conclusion of the service, there is a procession with the Shroud.

Saturday morning at 9am: Vesperal Liturgy

Old Testament readings and themes of Passover, Resurrection, and Baptism. At Gospel reading, the vestments change from dark to white – the joy of the Resurrection begins to shine forth.

Saturday evening at 8pm: Reading of the Book of Acts

Reading of the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. Blessing of baskets will occur in Church Hall at 8pm, 9pm, 10pm, and 11pm.

Saturday night at 11pm: Midnight Office, Procession, Matins & Liturgy for PASCHA

Midnight Office begins after 11pm, then at 12am, lights are extinguished, and all wait in silence as clergy begin procession from altar, around the church, and then we all stand before the doors of the church for the proclamation ‘CHRIST IS RISEN!’ We then move back into the church for the joyful Paschal Matins and immediately following is the Divine Liturgy.

Following Divine Liturgy on Pascha night, all are invited to St Mark’s church hall at 123 Arques Ave. to break the fast, share Paschal baskets and celebrate the joy of Christ’s resurrection!

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